About Me!!

Well I like to write and I like to cook. Unfortuately I like to eat most of what I bake or cook so I will be pawning off the results of my creations on friends and family that way I won’t have to lifted out of my house by a large crane.

I tried my hand at graduate school. That’s definitely not for the weak of heart. So now, I’m just refocusing and figuring out what comes next. I live in an awesome apartment in the Motherlode with a slightly annoying, but adorable roommate.

I’ll give you a moment to soak up some of the cuteness…

The way I write my blog is the way I talk, so yes there will be grammatical mistakes and the occasional misspelling. It takes way too long to do spell check on this thing so…deal with it.

If you want to see me try my hand at something, just let me know what it is and I’ll give it a go.

3 thoughts on “About Me!!

    1. When you go to leave a comment, you can just put in your name and email and below the button where it says post comment you can click subscribe to this site by email or something like that. You don’t have to put anything in the comment field though.

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