Peanut Butter Bacon Cookies

Yes people, it’s happening. Peanut butter and bacon. Together in a cookie. That has no flour. What is the world coming to?!?! Well since we’re all supposed to fall off the fiscal cliff in just a few days and the country be overtaken by zombie gnomes I was like hey, let’s just go for it. Continue reading “Peanut Butter Bacon Cookies”

Guess who’s back, back again

Welllllllll hello everybody!!! I took a little peak and my last post was on August 29, 2011. Pretty pitiful, I know. But I have good excuses!! Well first off I didn’t have Internet at the apartment I had moved to and then the whole getting pregnant followed by getting dumped, having to move home withContinue reading “Guess who’s back, back again”

Ten Things That I Must Absolutely Accomplish This Week

I’m finding it verydifficult to get motivated lately. I blame the weather. And my cat. I’m also finding it difficult to get motivated on this particular Monday, especially since my next day off isn’t until Sunday. Don’t you love retail? Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. Anywho I am the queen of procrastination andContinue reading “Ten Things That I Must Absolutely Accomplish This Week”